When to repair or replace your pool pump


Pool pump is an important piece of equipment required to keep the pool water clean, warm and hygienic. Once a pool pump malfunctions or gets worst, it burns out. However, there are alternatives that could be done.

The current pool pumps generations coming out of the market are equipped with automatic controls, safety features and could be self-repaired by owners for simple problems.

But not all motor or pump troubles should be self-repaired. There are sometimes complicated problems and troubles that only experts can be trusted on these matters, especially on the electrical aspects.

Any sign of tear and wear should be given notice so as not to make them worst. Additionally, piping system; electrical wiring and other accessories such as a heater, chlorinator, skimmer, etc. should be checked regularly for possible mechanical or electrical troubles.

Choosing between repair and replacement for your pump motor or the entire assembly is one of the hardest parts to tackle. The decision literally rests upon your shoulders. But this article will help you to decide without hesitation on how to choose between repair and replacement. If you’re not super technical and don’t want to spend hours on fixing your pool pump, we recommend buying a new pool pump since you can get great pumps for an affordable price tag.

When to Repair pool pump

  1. When bearings are only the problem. These are easy to replace when you know the steps. As we have stated before, there are videos online that will teach you the proper way. Furthermore, you could hire experts to do this for you. Bearings cost only a fraction of the price for a whole motor unit.
  2. If the cost of repair is only minimal. In the case of bearing replacement, shaft seal may also be replaced if damaged or already worn out.
  3. When the impeller is only stock up and not deformed or broken.
  4. In case of total wrecked impeller due to serious clogging, this part is only the one needing replacement.

When to replace pool pump

  1. If the motor had passed its expected life when it encounters serious trouble.
  2. When you want an upgrade and current design is not appropriate anymore due to increase number of pool users and increase the frequency of maintenance.
  3. If same trouble occurs too often after reparations.
  4. When you are totally unsatisfied with your current pump’s performance and efficiency.
  5. In case of a burnt motor, rewinding is also an option only if there is no damage to the motor shaft, motor housing and other essential internal parts of the motor. These damages may result from the burn-out and needed the additional cost to repair.
  6. If the problem is too much and the cost may likely exceed the price of a new one, like a burnt motor with deformed impeller or damage diffuser, etc